The good-for-you Kanna supplement that activates full-spectrum aliveness.
SHOP KA!Feel yourself™
Discover how natural empathogens can help you navigate everyday stress like never before*. Buy KA! Kanna Chews and Tincture online to experience an immediate sense of calm, grounded energy and an easeful state of being in your everyday life.
Made of 100% plants, our daily Kanna supplements are designed to literally bring you to life, and taste as good as they feel.
Buy KannaKanna is the next big thing in mental health
Kanna is a natural empathogen and psychoactive (not psychedelic) plant that’s been widely used across South Africa for thousands of years. It’s clinically-proven to reduce stress and increase focus, helping people feel more alive, capable and connected to themselves, others and nature. Kanna is neuroprotective and nervous-system loving, known for its subtle yet felt heart-opening, tension-reducing effects.
Learn more about KannaWhat do KA! Kanna supplements do?
🙃 Mood
👭 Connection
🐱 Calm
👁 Focus
🌳 Grounded Energy
Tingles when
it hits
the mind
Uplifting and
grounding at
the same time
ancient remedy
No sugar,
no preservatives,
no :(
Supports nervous,
cognitive and
immune systems
ethically grown
and sourced
Safe, legal, sober,
What’s an empathogenic?!
Handmade with plants
that bring you to life
First-of-its-Kind Blend
Our pioneering formulation of key nutrients contains unique phytochemicals that are non-synthesizable (AKA cannot be accomplished) by pharmaceuticals.
Made by Scientists
Thoughtfully crafted by a team versed in biochemistry, molecular biology, nutra-ceuticals, herbalism & flavor science to ensure safety, efficacy & deliciousness.
Patented Perfection
A patented Kanna extraction process ensures consistently high levels of quality and potency.
Tested & Trusted
We are FDA compliant and do rigorous third-party testing to meet and exceed U.S. Pharmacopeia standards for microbial safety, heavy metals and toxicity.
Join us on our mission to restore full-spectrum aliveness.
Buy Kanna online and explore how microdosing 100% plant-based, natural empathogens can truly change your life.
Wanna Kanna?
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Oh my KA!
The full-spectrum feeler.
The ancient South African botanical phenomenon
that science is only just beginning to fathom...
Kanna was embraced by earth’s earliest inhabitants for its life-giving qualities,
long before there was language to describe them.
The Khoisan would chew on its roots to calm their systems, balance their minds, clarify their vision, open their hearts and feel the fullness of their a l i v e n e s s.
Thousands of years later,
the world has never needed it more:
All while freshening your breath…
(K)aaaaaaaaah. The first-of-its-kind, good-for-you Kanna Chew made with synergistic plants that bring you to life.
A tongue and spirit-tickling crescendo of bioactive flavor and vibe
formulated to help you feel alive.
Feel here.
Feel clear.
Feel yourself.